Outlook 2002
Email Setup

Detailed instructions for setting up your Outlook 2002 email client:

These instructions are based on Outlook 2002, but should be applicable to other versions.
bullet Start up Outlook, then click on Tools, then Email Accounts
bulletClick on 'Add a new e-mail account', then click Next

bulletClick on 'POP3', then click Next

bulletFill in the fields for your email settings, using the following as an example:
- Your Name:  John Doe
- Email Address:  jdoe@yourdomain.com
- Incoming mail server:  mail.yourdomain.com
- Outgoing mail server: mail.yourdomain.com
- User name (same as your email address): jdoe@yourdomain.com
- Password

bulletClick on More Settings, and a new window displays
bulletClick on the Outgoing Server tab
bulletClick on the 'My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication', then click OK

bulletClick on 'Test Account Settings';
bulletIf successful click Close, then Next, then Finish