How do I access my e-mail?
There are two ways to access your e-mail.

1) The easiest and most flexible way is to simply go to your web site and login from there. 
2) You can use an email client such as Outlook or Outlook Express. Microsoft provides Outlook Express for free as part of their Internet Explorer browser. Chances are, you already have this software loaded on your computer. If not, visit Microsoft's web site to download a free copy of Internet Explorer.
I am using an Internet provider that blocks email from 3rd parties. What do I do? 
Some Internet providers use their own proprietary mail applications and may actually block mail applications like Outlook Express. If your Internet company blocks access to third party email systems, we suggest that you change Internet providers. However, you can still access your WentPostal E-Mail through your customized web site. Just go to your web page and login from there. Or as an alternative, you can set up an "alias" email account using your ISP to send mail (SMTP) and your WentPostal email to receive (POP3). 

Who administers the system?
WentPostal services are typically sold to individuals and small businesses. Each customer appoints someone as the E-Mail Administrator who then has online access to an Internet based control panel where new e-mail addresses can be setup or changed. The Administrator can Add, Change or Delete addresses in a matter of minutes. With WentPostal email services, you are in control.

How do I check my mail from a different computer?
You can check your mail from any computer as long as you are connected to the Internet. You can do this by going to your web site and logging in. Remember that your username is your e-mail address and also should be in lower case. Your password is also in lower case so be sure that the "Caps Lock" key is not depressed on your keyboard. To read your mail simply go to your Inbox. All messages will remain on the mail server, until you hit the delete button.

How do I forward my mail?
Go to your Control Panel and login. You'll find forwarding information in the Email section. 

How do I change my password?
Go to your Control Panel and login. You'll find password information in the Email section. .

Is my User Name or Password case sensitive?
Yes, and both the Username and Password should be in lower case. Be sure that your "Caps Lock" key is not on when entering your password. You will not be able to see the Password as you type. Capitalization is irrelevant to Internet E-Mail and web site names. To a computer, Mary@nhsGrizzlies.com is the same as mArY@NhSgRiZzLiEs.com. The only difference is that one is easier for humans to read than the other.

If I forgot my password, how can I sign on?
Contact your E-mail Administrator to reset usernames and passwords. Only the E-mail Administrator can do this. 

What can I do about spam?
We do not allow any of our customers to use our mail servers to send spam (junk e-mail) and we have filters available for you to use so you will not receive it. Any user who uses our servers to send spam will be deleted as a user and may be charged a fee, which could be significant. See our User Agreement for details.

How do I setup my mail using my mail software?
To send and receive your WentPostal E-mail using a mail client program such as Microsoft Outlook Express® or Netscape Communicator®, you will need to set up your mail client. The POP3 server is "mail.YourDomain.com" and the SMTP server is "mail.YourDomain.com". You will need to check the "My SMTP server requires authentication" box and fill in the Username and Password fields with the same information supplied for the POP3 server. Finally, don't forget that your username includes the domain name and is in lower case. Example: johnsmith@mydomain.com. 

Outlook Express
Outlook Express is the E-mail program used by Microsoft Internet Explorer. To set this up, go to your "Tools" pull down menu and go to "Accounts". Click on "Add". Enter your name as you want it to appear on your e-mails and click on "Next". In the next screen, enter your WentPostal e-mail address (e.g. Mary@nhsGrizzlies.com). This is the e-mail address that others will see when you send them e-mails and will be used when they "Reply" to your e-mails. Click "Next". Set your incoming (POP) and outgoing (SMTP) mail server to "mail.yourdomain.com". (where "yourdomain" is your domain!) Click on "Next". In the next window, enter in your username and password. Be sure to append your domain name to your user name and use lower case letters. Click on "Next". For a friendly name, enter in "My Address" or any other name you want for this account. This will be the name you will use to identify your E-mail account. Click on "Next", then "Finish", and you are done.

If you need to change your settings, go to the "Tools" pull down menu then "Accounts" and to the "Mail" tab. Highlight the account you want to edit and click on "Properties". Go to the "General" tab and make sure that your name and your WentPostal E-mail address is entered. Now go to the "Servers" tab and check the incoming and outgoing mail servers, which should both show "mail.yourdomain.com". Also check to be sure your Account Name and Password are correct. 

I am using Microsoft Outlook Express and I want to check my mail immediately.
Open Outlook Express and click the "Send/Receive" button. 

I am using Microsoft Outlook Express and I want it to send my mail immediately.
Open Outlook Express and click the "Send/Receive" button. 

Will WentPostal sell my confidential information?
No. We will respect your privacy. We will not sell your name to marketing firms nor disclose any customer data.

Where can I find a copy of the User Agreement?
Click here.

How can I contact WentPostal with questions or problems?
Write us:
WentPostal.com, Inc.
7600 E Arapahoe Rd., #320
Centennial, CO 80112

Extensive Networks
Phone: 720-529-8515